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Avaliação: 4.9
This is not just a lizard, big and clumsy. This is a talented musician and singer. He gives his art to those who understand a lot about music.
This is not just a lizard, big and clumsy. This is a talented musician and singer. He gives his art to those who understand a lot about music.
This is not just a lizard, big and clumsy. This is a talented musician and singer. He gives his art to those who understand a lot about music. Abelardo - his stage name. He really wants to please his audience in a small restaurant, but Abelardo need help players. Above the tables illuminates a particular style of music icon. Go to the synthesizer and set the background music. Carefully walk up to the table, he ordered the music, play the guitar and sing a song at the same time try to get into the music. To do this on time and accurately press exactly the arrow that passes through the white circle. If there had been no errors, launches a round of applause. Well, for the failure will have to pay. As for the damaged property restaurant.